Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Freaking Wednesday...

I hate being the one in the middle. My father is upset, not at me directly, but at Ferris. I brought his truck in to our service shop the end of May to have the kids up here work on it. Not only did it take 2 tries for them to fix the rear main seal, they didn't tighten the bolts on the transfer case correctly and as a result the driveshaft has come off and busted a hole in the transfer case. We (as in Ferris) are fixing the problem for him, but are having a hard time getting a transfer case here as fast as my father would like. Mind you this repair will cost him nothing but his time, which I do understand is valuable. It is totally the fault of the students and the half assed adjunct professor who didn't check over there work, so we should have to fix it. What kills me is I know how upset he is because each day he is without his truck he is losing money, and he doesn't have to tell me these facts, I understand them well enough on my own. What I wish he would comprehend is there is no way he would clear enough money in 2 weeks to pay for the repair himself so why sweat it? Why not just go with it and enjoy doing nothing with his grandkids? So here is to hoping that the damn transfer case is ready soon and we can get his truck out of here on Friday. This has been another life lesson- my parents vehicles will not be coming up here to be worked on ever again.

And on top of that, Gunner is sick again. He says his ears hurt and he is getting his ass kicked by his allergies. Guess we are calling the doctor today! I just wish we could go longer than 3 weeks without his asthma/allergies flaring up. I do realize it is a small price to pay considering what we potentially could have been dealing with at 27 weeks.. but it is still hard to hear him cough and gag for hours on end when he should be sleeping peacefully.

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